In this episode of Bugtime Adventures – Jonah is given a mission by God but chooses to disobey and instead boards a ship going in the opposite direction. Thrown overboard during a storm, he survives three days in the belly of a whale where he repents and is given a second opportunity to deliver God’s message. When a crow comes after Antoni, Megan and Wally, they take refuge inside Jonah’s pouch. They are with him when he is tossed overboard and swallowed by the whale. When they hear Jonah deliver his message and see the people repent, they learn an important lesson. Meanwhile in our Think About It series  – kids will learn that God can help them change the way they think. He wants to help them catch, check, and change their thoughts! We’re going to take our creativity to the extreme to learn how to think about what pleases God! This and plus some stunning gospel kids’ songs. Enjoy!

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